
Hummus Remember This

Hummus is Middle Eastern bean spread. It seems as if every country on the Mediterranean — if not every household or cafe — offers a version. This is a basic and quick, low-fat version, far less expensive than store-bought. A common plan is making a batch at the start of every week, but I don’t […]

Main Courses

Lunch Flask Kitchari

It’s hard to find time rushing in the morning before work and school, but if you can make a few moments to throw together sandwiches to brown-bag for lunch, then there’s enough time for an incredibly filling, nutritious soup. This is an ayurvedic (ancient Indian system of health) take-to-work lunch, a single serving so large […]

Main Courses

Fried Soup – Veganized

After consideration, here is a major revision of my 2010 vegetarian burger recipe, Fried Soup. While dropping the egg from the ingredients was a factor, the instructions needed further fluffing. Besides simple editing, feedback from students at my three-part October 2013 class “Vegan – As Easy as You Want,” showed a need to elaborate. Fried […]


Orange Hash with Sage Leaves

Stovetops seem so much easier to use day to day than ovens. Although little’s easier than cutting up vegetables and laying ’em out on a cookie sheet to roast, preheating the range for half an hour then baking the pieces for nearly an hour seems a nuisance. Outside of baking bread, I cook in the […]

Main Courses

Hearty Har Har Lentil Soup – Vegan

During the cooler months, I make this vegan soup for us at least monthly. It’s a big recipe, for taking to lunch several days etc. (Amounts updated February 2020) 4 cups hot water (start heating in the kettle while getting everything ready), to start 1 cup brown, green or black lentils, checked for foreign matter, […]


Truly Five-Minute Tomato Sauce*

This sauce comes together so fast, and the starting with a cold pan so crucial, that it is vital all ingredients be ready. Even the can of tomatoes should be opened! While intended as a marinara for pasta, this makes a great sauce for one large or two smaller pizzas. In fact, I no longer […]