Life Lessons

Got My Back, Background?

Although it’s only been a year, I’m back in the job market. Heck, some people resume sending out resumes in weeks. New in 2015, with the positions for which I qualify, are third-party background checks. Fortunately, I am an angel. Earlier this summer, R— S— (hereinafter known as “Auld Acquaintance”) applied at T— U— (hereinafter […]

Life Lessons

Transcendentally Minded for 40 Years

We have a 50-plus-year-old house, and the closets are consequently small. I am 50-plus years old, also with cramped storage. At the start of the month I contracted with a publication for a couple of articles on major business figures in Northwest Arkansas. One story fell through; that happens. I’ve been told that’s that company’s […]

Life Lessons

Ich ‘Ben’ ein Razorbacker

A few days ago, a fellow journalist asked me if I planned to grow a goatee for her skit in next month’s Northwest Arkansas Gridiron, the annual satirical sketch revue of the local SPJ. I asked the show’s coordinator, who reminded me that I should look clean-shaven for another skit. Yea, saved by a practical […]

Life Lessons

Regarding Roger Ebert

Now let’s regard Roger Ebert this afternoon. What his passing yesterday, Thursday the 4th of April 2013, can mean. Like any death that strikes your radar, knocking it off the table, you feel a need to inventory yourself. Most of what I could say I chiseled nearly two years ago, when I presented him, by […]

Life Lessons

Well Meaning Writers a Target

The essay by Angie Albright, “Blogging IS Real Writing,” posted Nov. 28, 2012, at Arkansas Women Bloggers, impressed me and, judging from social media reactions, many of my fellow scribes. It follows exactly from the title, an apologia for the form. I agree, blogging is writing, but skip the defensive “real.” Of course she’s being […]

Life Lessons

Fare Thee Well Address

This column first was published as the “President’s Message” in the May 2012 newsletter of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Dear Larry, [NSNC Vice President Laurence D. Cohen is on the slate of nominees for the May 6 election, for 2012-14 president.] This, the columnists presidency, has been a humbling experience. I’ve had plenty […]