Life Lessons


Thursday, Jan. 1, 2004. New Year Resolutions: 1. Do right. -30-

Body, Home, Street

Tin cans

Copyright 2003 Ben S. Pollock Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003. Note to self: Tie string to cordless phone and other end to phone’s base unit. Won’t get misplaced that way. Note to self: Would wire work better? Note to self: How about speaker wire, and twisting around connection points? Maybe Radio Shack has phone wire? Note […]

News, Spin

Left profile, right profile

Copyright 2003 Ben S. Pollock Monday, Dec. 29, 2003.Not content to just advise that plastic sheeting and duct tape are effective deterrents against sophisticated biological weapons of mass destruction, the federal government warned that people with almanacs could be international terrorists. The Associated Press confirmed the FBI’s Christmas Eve bulletin to 18,000 police departments. Cops […]

The Course of Words

Humor, put to pasture

Copyright 2003 Ben S. Pollock Friday, Dec. 26, 2003. Consider the retirement this month of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette humor columnists Richard Allin and Charles Allbright. It’s fair and appropriate and honest (as in honest opinion, NOT truth and NOT fact) to point out the positives in the involuntary departure. I believe their firing — for that’s […]

The Course of Words

Blair flare fair

Copyright 2003 Ben S. Pollock Monday, Dec. 22, 2003. Let’s look at plagiarism, one of journalism’s big topics in 2003, culminating in the revelations around Jayson Blair. Plain definition is that plagiarism is thievery, the taking of others’ words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs — the ideas of others — as one’s own. Theft. So obvious […]

News, Spin

Fixing a hole

Copyright 2003 Ben S. Pollock Monday, December 15, 2003. The Army’s capture of deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein ultimately is bad politically for King George II. Better explain why. Yes, it looks good: George W. Bush was right. Saddam went down like a coward not a martyr. The post-war skirmishes that have been ridiculously costly […]