Body, Home, Street

Twin Double-Feature

Scott Shackelford wrote a thoughtful column for today’s Northwest Arkansas Times, about a possibility we Ozarkers should make a pitch for: A cinema specializing in small films.

Malco Theatres Inc., which has a number of multiplexes in the area, is building a 12-screener in Fayetteville just down from Northwest Arkansas Mall on Joyce Boulevard. We could use more screens in Washington County, as most are a little commute north to Rogers.

This new one is replacing Fayetteville’s aged Razorback 6. It’d be nice if the 6 remained, but we understand Malco’s simply replacing it. It’s harder to accept the company also is dropping the Mall Twin inside that shopping center. Indeed that’s where Scott proposes a specialty movie house go, operated by Malco but we’re just writers so we don’t care who rakes in the bucks.

I agree with Scott in believing it would make a tidy profit because of our highly cultured demographic, anxious for story not slash and character not crash.

Let’s write in. Contact Malco here. Maybe you should contact executives of the mall, too. -30-

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