News, Spin


It’s another skirmish between Israel and the Palestinians:

“EILAT, Israel (AP) — A Palestinian suicide bomber killed three Israelis at a bakery Monday in the first such attack inside the country in nine months, and the two radical groups that claimed to have sent him said they were trying to end weeks of Palestinian infighting by taking aim at Israel instead.”

The reports are complex, but let’s focus on one aspect reported by many news organizations. The Associated Press continues, a few paragraphs later:

“Eilat resident Yossi Voltinski said he picked up the attacker, who was hitchhiking on the edge of town, shortly before the attack. But he quickly grew suspicious because the man was dressed in heavy clothing on a warm day. … ‘He didn’t speak Hebrew. He was very irritable,’ Voltinski said. … He said he dropped the man off on a side road with few people and quickly alerted authorities.”

The consequences can and will be heavily analyzed. Instead, go back a step:

An Israeli driver picked up a Palestinian hitchhiker, in a routine way, an everyday act of unforced kindness. -30-

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