American Culture

Epiphany No. 1, in B-flat Major

What does it mean when video rental stores charge $2.49 to $4-something for a movie just released to DVD when for double that (or so) you can own a slightly older DVD? In other words, a new release as compared to what’s showing in the dollar house.

Economically, this means you are willing to pay a relatively exorbitant amount (though realistically not all that much money) for the privilege of giving the movie back.

Buying it means keeping it, and while some adults see favorite movies a few times (not me: I can count on both hands the number I’ve seen two or more times), the flicks most everyone checks out a few times a month do not merit repeat viewings. Then the DVDs just stack up, near all those VHS tapes that you still hold on to.

Returning rental movies is worth every dollar. -30-

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