Technical Difficulties

Excuse 7.1

Friday, Dec. 2, 2005. Can you get by with writing or saying whatever you want because you’re sick, and you’re lightheaded from clogged sinuses or fever or some-such thing? It’d be nice. So later if what is written makes no sense, or even worse, it does make sense but it offends people you don’t want to offend or it offends people you don’t mind offending but on the other hand it really ruins some plan or dream. …

Then, You (I) can say, I was sick; I didn’t know what I was saying. Then the person, should I make this excuse, must say because life isn’t fair: No.

So what choice do I have but respond: Hey, buster, you should try drinking heavily. I don’t drink heavily but my Eustachian tubes being in knots does the same thing to me. I’m either mocking or confusing. Maybe both! Unfortunately, sinusitis has none of the few benefits of inebriation.

Cheers! -30-

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