American Culture

Turn Rupees to Scruples

Report: Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire. Why, everyone should see Slumdog Millionaire. It’s a cross between Oliver Twist (book and any movie version) and WALL-E. Other lead characters: Fagin, Artful Dodger and Eve. The plot: fish-out-of-water-into-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire. (Shouldn’t reviews now and then be as short as possible? Complete write-ups, not capsules) In short, this is the best […]

American Culture

Abraham and Sarah

“Today, I wrote about kittens. We’re in a gigantic financial crisis, everybody knows it, everybody is going crazy about it, everybody else is writing about it, so sometimes the best thing to do is write about kittens.” —  Jon Carroll, quoted last month by his paper, the San Francisco Chronicle, on winning the 2009 Ernie […]

American Culture

Green Machines

Hands up for all who’ll be watching any bit of the national party conventions. Yes, I’ll avoid it, too. None of them has been on the excitement level even of a State of the Union address. If there’s something huge, a stupendous announcement, or an election-risking gaffe, conventions or presidential addresses are rebroadcast so often […]

American Culture Brick Bats Reportage

Sign Sign Everywhere A

American Airlines is a proud member of something called the Oneworld Alliance, which is a group of 10 airlines combining for the booking of reservations etc. but otherwise independent from one another. Or is it? Are they? From an American jet we took Friday, taxiing to the gate at Dallas/Fort Worth, we saw a huge […]

American Culture

Aarp, Aarp, barks Sandy

If AARP is 50 this year, and it is, then it qualifies for AARP. That means AARP will be eligible for AARP membership with all its discounts and special offers. The American Association of Retired Persons thus will send itself innumerable messages, electronically and postally, offering targeted news and special privileges (insurance, travel discounts). If […]

American Culture

We Ran Her Off the Road

You can’t have a dope business without dopers.” — Sheriff Ed Tom Bell, No Country for Old Men, Cormac McCarthy Copyright 2008 Ben S. Pollock Proposed laws about paparazzi are worse-than-useless. There are already laws on stalking, creating a public nuisance and any number of other categories that would apply and hold up in court […]