Mirthology: A Loose Leaflet of Ben Pollock

Page One
This site’s a repository for my prose
if not poesy.
With luck, you’ll enjoy its facets in repose;
please, get cozy.

Will you be underwhelmed by this mass?
My ego finds that derogatory.
I must suppose, as tastes differ, you might pass
taking up this suppository.

Throw me a bone about this doggerel,
My aim immodest but accuracy a quarrel.

Acme Brick Company sample
Click on these bricks for Brick: Muse on News, my blog.

This main site began as an archive of my newspaper columns. Some writings since are collected in Brick. One interest of the last decade-plus has been vegan cooking.

My journalism career, dormant in recent years, evolved into website content management. In turn that inevitably spiderwebbed into the range of digital comms such as social media and digital strategies in general. Contact me if you wish via this form.

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