WordCamp for 2012

Outline of Creating a WordPress.com website

Quick and Easy WordPress.com by Ben Pollock

The Demo: Please see the slides that accompany this demonstration outline.

Point 0. What do you want from your website? Creating a site map

I. Account creation at WordPress.com

II. Blog creation page.

—- Blog address, and similar Blog Name (and privacy, language to check)

III. Dashboard. Way too many menus to details.

—- Main ones: Posts, Media, Pages, Appearance, Users, Tools, Settings

IV. Theme.

—- Start with the Twenty Ten theme. It has just enough flexibility and customizability to be unique for a personal or business (and nonprofits) sites. (available in both .com and .org)

—- Blog Name, Tagline, then upload header photo

V. Pages.

—- WordPress comes loaded with an About Page

—- The Add New Page is nearly identical to the Add New Post

—- Tip: Add text using either of the two the Paste From buttons

—- Add Media button for images

—- Hyperlink button

—- Bold and italics buttons

—- Click on Text tab in WordPress.com and HTML tab in WordPress.org to see some formatting, to see how angle irons work the code. It may come in handy. Bold is <strong> then </strong>. Italics is <em> then </em>. The “em” stands for emphasis.

Headlines range in size from the largest <h1> down to <h6>. H1 should be reserved only for your main title.

Make a Page subordinate to another using Page Attribute – Parent commands on the right side of the Add New Page/Post screen.

Creating Posts follows along about the same way: paste copy, attach images, format bold, ital, hyperlinks and so on.

Categories help you the webmaster keep track of your posts and help the reader find related material.

VI. Make the blog look like a website

—- Create a Page and call it Blog, News, Updates etc. Leave blank, no text, no images, otherwise.

—- Make the opening home page one of your pages: Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading. Click the button “A Static Page” and choose the new home page and then the Updates page to display blog Posts.

Thanks for coming to wcfay 2012!