News, Spin

Does Mel Hate Ducks, Too?

A duck test can be applied to the Mel Gibson story, and it is surprising that it hasn’t, so far as readily available online. (Use as search something like “Mel Gibson driving” in or

The talented actor and director (and he is gifted) was pulled over for erratic driving in late July. He was intoxicated, and in the give-and-take with police on the scene he uttered a number of anti-Jewish phrases, tirades or quips, all following stereotypes. There would be some “allegeds” sprinkled in there, but even Gibson says he was drunk and said hateful things.

A number of Jewish leaders or other prominent sorts, as well as liberal and broad-minded non-Jews, have forgiven and excused Gibson. I will go along with that. He admits alcoholism, he says he didn’t mean those remarks. I accept that, and if his future movies are ones I think I might enjoy I certainly will buy tickets or rent the video etc.

But. But let’s not say this is not nothing.

If Gibson had spewed out a pile of anti-black remarks — not blacks “are responsible for all the wars in the world” but remarks in kind, that follow stereotypical false African-American traits — then would his fellow performers, fellow Christians, fellow-anything anyone claims to have in common with this fellow, say, “Ah, he didn’t mean it.”

Apply this duck test to hypothetical homophobic remarks. Use another prejudice, your pick. Are celebrities pushing a little to hard to forgive Mel for uttering anti-Jewish remarks, by comparison?

This coming in the midst of the Israel-Hezbollah war in which Israeli forces are sloppily wiping out southern Lebanese citizens makes this difficult and potentially explosive. -30-

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