Body, Home, Street

Zzzz, om, zzzz

Copyright 2005 Ben S. Pollock

Saturday, May 14, 2005: Note to self: There’s many ways to meditate, necessary when working an evening shift but want to enjoy the daytimes then need to re-fresh before going in:

Meditation is first, because there it is.

A 20-45 minute nap accomplishes about the same thing. Sleep experts say no more than 30, but I allow extra time to fall asleep, often hard in the afternoon. If I only have 20 minutes, then meditate is the thing to do.

A 20-30-minute walk, bike or yoga stretching session. And no music, talk radio or other extraneous noise. Blares are fine for exercise sessions, but this is not that. Swimming laps for a half hour does well, too, and if the Wilson Park pool lifeguards are rocking out from the amps in the office, well, your head’s in the water.

Gardening is invigorating while yard work is tiring. Though yard work is satisfying.

Sketching or painting for a half or full hour. Also, I get workable writing ideas while doing art, which is good because the pictures aren’t much. I also think of things to add to the Wal-Mart shopping list. Everything’s a winner. -30-

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